LINE Pay 是 LINE 推出的行動支付平台,綁定任一發卡銀行的信用卡/簽帳金融卡,結帳時輸入專屬密碼即可完成付款。 LINE Pay 亦與一卡通公司合作推出 一卡通MONEY,註冊並連結銀行帳戶儲值,即可使用儲值金額付款。 使用 LINE Pay 時需使用 iOS 及 Android 智慧型手機,並請務必將 LINE 應用程式更新至最新版本。
杨贵妃是中国古代四大美女之一。美丽善舞的杨贵妃得到唐明皇李隆基的专宠,却也由此给自己惹来杀身之祸……他们的爱情故事以诗歌、戏剧、小说等各种形式传诵至今。Imperial Consort Yang, one of the four ancient beauties of China, is adept at dancing and wins the heart of Li Longji, the longest reigning emperor of the Tang Dynasty. But the emperor's favoritism towards her ultimately leads to her tragic demise...This enduring love story has been adapted into poems, dramas, and novels and is still told to this day.