LINE Pay 是 LINE 推出的行動支付平台,綁定任一發卡銀行的信用卡/簽帳金融卡,結帳時輸入專屬密碼即可完成付款。 LINE Pay 亦與一卡通公司合作推出 一卡通MONEY,註冊並連結銀行帳戶儲值,即可使用儲值金額付款。 使用 LINE Pay 時需使用 iOS 及 Android 智慧型手機,並請務必將 LINE 應用程式更新至最新版本。
Year 1 Science Storybooks is a series of eight easy-to-read storybooks written specially to consolidate the mathematics vocabulary of Year 1 pupils. These storybooks are well illustrated with a typeface compatible to the pupils’ textbooks. The stories are interesting and creatively designed with a controlled vocabulary that is simple for a child to read without supervision or aid from teachers or parents. A perforated star on each page acts as an incentive award to the fluent readers. They can wither draw or colour the star reward.