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本系列根据三部古代经典小说,简写成《岳飞的故事》、《杨家将的故事》、《三侠五义的故事》三本汉语阅读教材。这些故事表现了中国古代英雄们神奇的武功、正直的品格、保家卫国与行侠仗义的精神。本书的编写目的是为了让各国汉语学习者用有限的汉语词汇了解中国古代英雄的传奇故事,提高汉语水平。本书的适用对象为具有1000汉语词以上汉语学习者。This series of books are abridged into The Story of Yue Fei, The story of the Generals of the Yang Family and The Story of Three Heroes and Five Gallants, three Chinese reading textbooks, according to three volumes of classic fictions. Magical kungfu, integral characteristics and the spirit of safeguarding homeland of ancient Chinese heroes are presented in these stories. The aim of composing this series is to enable Chinese learners to learn the legend of ancient Chinese heroes and to enhance their listening comprehension. Target readers of this series are Chinese learners mastering over 1000 Chinese words.