LINE Pay 是 LINE 推出的行動支付平台,綁定任一發卡銀行的信用卡/簽帳金融卡,結帳時輸入專屬密碼即可完成付款。 LINE Pay 亦與一卡通公司合作推出 一卡通MONEY,註冊並連結銀行帳戶儲值,即可使用儲值金額付款。 使用 LINE Pay 時需使用 iOS 及 Android 智慧型手機,並請務必將 LINE 應用程式更新至最新版本。
文若虚是一个出名的倒霉蛋,考学考不上,做生意赔钱。他和朋友一起出海去散心,没想到却碰上了从来没有过的好运气…… Wen Ruoxu was known for his bad luck. He always failed the imperial examinations and lost money in business. It had never occurred to him that his luck would take a dramatic turn as he embarked on a sea journey with his friends...