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“我的第一本中文故事书”系列适合 4—12 岁的汉语为非母语的海外儿童在老师、父母指导下收听。每本书有一两个有趣的主题或者汉语常用句型。以不断重复的形式, 达到学习中文、练习表达的目的。My First Chinese Storybooks is a series of Chinese and English bilingual picture books primarily designed as educational readers for overseas Chinese and foreign children, 4-12 years old.It is full of interesting stories that are based on the everyday lives of children. Children can read the stories with the help of their teachers or parents. Each book has been compiled by senior teachers of Chinese in the UK and consists of one or two interesting topics or popular sentence structures. These topics or sentence structures recur throughout the book to help children recognize the characters and practice their oral skills.