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你或许见过鸟儿衔枝筑巢,但你未必见过飞鸟叼着小石子,投向一片汪洋大海。在远古的中国,的确出现过这样一只小鸟,它的名字叫精卫,每天从西边的发鸠山飞往东海,不辞辛劳地搬运小石子填海。如果你想知道这究竟是为了什么,这篇中国神话故事《精卫填海》,会告诉你事情的来龙去脉。You may have seen a bird holding branches in its beak in order to build its nest, but have you ever seen a bird picking up pebbles to throw into a vast expanse of water? There was indeed such a bird in ancient China. As the tale goes, the bird named Jingwei would fly every day from Mount Fajiu in the west to the East China Sea, trying its best to fill up the Sea with little stones. If you want to know why, this Chinese fairy tale will satisfy your curiosity.