LINE Pay 是 LINE 推出的行動支付平台,綁定任一發卡銀行的信用卡/簽帳金融卡,結帳時輸入專屬密碼即可完成付款。 LINE Pay 亦與一卡通公司合作推出 一卡通MONEY,註冊並連結銀行帳戶儲值,即可使用儲值金額付款。 使用 LINE Pay 時需使用 iOS 及 Android 智慧型手機,並請務必將 LINE 應用程式更新至最新版本。
孙悟空和师弟猪八戒、沙和尚一起保护师父唐僧去如来佛祖那里求取佛经。他们历经九九八十一难,一路降妖伏魔、惩恶扬善,终于取回了真经。Monkey King, Pig and Sandy escort Master Xuanzang on an epic quest to obtain Buddhist scriptures. On their journey, they vanquish monsters and demons and punish the wicked to elevate the virtuous. After experiencing 81 tribulations, they eventually succeed in their mission in heroic fashion.